Medicine For World (MFW) on BBC News!
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Medicine For World (MFW) on BBC News!


On 01 March 2017, BBC news telecasts Victoria Derbyshire program about Hepatitis C breakthrough treatment and its highly expensive drugs that are not affordable to most of the patient. The BBC program focused on cheap version generic Hepatitis c drugs that curing lots of patient. On that program a British Hepatitis C patient Zoe Sharam shared successful story about her treatment. The program reported about our online lifesaving medicine supplying service from Bangladesh. 

Our Medicine For World (MFW) noted as online lifesaving medicine supplying service from Bangladesh on the program.

Zoe Sharam is one of some 215,000 people in the UK with hepatitis C disease. She contracted the virus in her 20 years old and lived with it for years before it was finally diagnosed. She says, “I was falling asleep in my office chair, struggling with memory problems. I was also having problems with my digestion feeling nauseous. My diagnosis came along and then I was able to go ‘okay, well this is why I’ve been feeling so rubbish for so long’.”  But after diagnosed she was unable to take breakthrough cure. Because it’s so expensive (cost tens of thousands of pounds per patient) that NHS England has said it can only be given to the sickest person. Zoe Sharam didn’t meet this criteria. Then she went online and bought a cheaper but standard quality generic version Hepatitis C medicine manufactured by Beacon Pharma from Bangladesh by £1,000.

Medicine For World (MFW) on BBC News

Medicine For World (MFW) is an online lifesaving medicine supplying service from Bangladesh. Our online medicine supplying service helping lots of patient around the world to get cheaper lifesaving medicine from Bangladesh. Patients are being cured by taking our country’s pharma companies standard quality medicines. It’s our great achievement that BBC News noted about our online lifesaving medicine supplying service on Zoe Sharam story. Our Medicine For World (MFW) is proud to become a part of this work.

To watch the full story please visit BBC website links that given here:

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